Welcome to my website!👋🏻

I'm a full stack developer showcasing my latest javascript projects, including 30 websites developed during the Great Stack YouTube channel's 30 Days of Code challenge. Fork the repositories and experience the websites yourself. Your star for the repositories is appreciated!

Github Profile image


Diverse Project Collection:

Explore 30 JavaScript projects that cover a wide range of concepts and functionalities. These projects not only enhance your JavaScript skills but also reinforce your knowledge of HTML, CSS, and API usage.

Accessible Source Code:

All 30 project source codes are readily available on GitHub. Feel free to access and study them to gain valuable insights into JavaScript best practices, coding techniques, and project structures. I have also added many features to the website in additon to the tutorials

Deployed on Netlify:

Each of the 30 projects has been deployed using Netlify, ensuring easy accessibility and hassle-free testing. Experience the projects in action and see how they behave in a live environment.

Project Gallery

The projects are listed below!

Title Github File Netlify Demo
P1-Weather Site GitHub Demo
P2-Todo List GitHub Demo
P3-Quiz Site GitHub Demo
P4-Password Generator GitHub Demo
P5-Notes Site GitHub Demo
P6-Age Calculator GitHub Demo
P7-Quote Generator GitHub Demo
P8-QR Code Generator GitHub Demo
P9-Toast Notification bar GitHub Demo
P10 - Music Player GitHub Demo
P11 - StopWatch GitHub Demo
P12 - Calculator GitHub Demo
P13 - Pop up info GitHub Demo
P14 - Password Hide/Show GitHub Demo
P15 - Dark/Light mode GitHub Demo
P16 - Form Validation GitHub Demo
P17 - Image Gallery GitHub Demo
P18 - Email Subscription GitHub Demo
P19 - Password Strength Checker GitHub Demo
P20 - Text to speech GitHub Demo
P21 - Webpage Launch count down GitHub Demo
P22 - Image Transition GitHub Demo
P23 - Mini Calendar GitHub Demo
P24 - Social media Dropdown GitHub Demo
P25 - Circular Progress Bar GitHub Demo
P26 - Product Page GitHub Demo
P27 - Cryptocurrency Info GitHub Demo
P28 - Digital Clock GitHub Demo
P29 - Drag and Drop GitHub Demo
P30 - Image searach engine GitHub Demo


Thanking Great Stack for organizing the 30 Days of Code challenge. Developing 30 websites in 30 days was an amazing experience, boosting my confidence as a web developer. The provided repositories and the opportunity to earn a T-shirt and certificate(which i am expecting for😉) made it even more rewarding. Looking forward to future challenges and your continued support. - Gratefully, NK💛